Basic Guideline: Telemedicine Singapore

Basic Guideline: Telemedicine Singapore

Many times we feel like we cannot visit a doctor in person due to various reasons like feeling weak, busy schedules, cannot having spare time because of a toddler, quarantine, meetings, the clinic might be far, etc. During such times you can make use of telemedicine! Telemedicine, often referred to as ehealth, is the distant provision of medical care over telecommunications infrastructures, including such examinations and consults. Telehealth allows doctors and patients to assess, analyze, and receive treatment without having to see each other in person. If you are someone who is looking for telemedicine singapore, this is the article for you

Why do you need telemedicine?

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, the union of science and healthcare has gotten a fresh lease on life. The requirement for social isolation, restrictions on people’s mobility and access to health organizations, and an overwhelmed healthcare system have all necessitated the use of videoconferencing to save the day. While mobile health was available prior to the pandemic, they have just about become required in many cases following the flu epidemic, specifically in the context of medical illnesses.

telemedicine singapore

How does telemedicine work in Singapore?

The phone buzzed, a maid replies, and you ask to connect with a specialist. The nurse verifies your current location and your name so that urgent medical help can be dispatched if necessary. The doctor then enters, dressed in his or her classic white coat. You as well as the physician speak on the phone while glancing at each other’s cell phones screens. It’s similar to a Skype call, except the topic of conversation is your health condition. The call is saved for future use, and you pay a consultancy charge.  Medicines are sent straight to your current address if prescribed. It’s a great venture, especially in today’s times when you need to stay indoors but still have to get your work done.

Telemedicine Singapore has fast gained popularity, as online consultations offer a variety of advantages to patients. They see telehealth as an augmentation of high-quality in-person appointments, giving the same period of time, care, and knowledge from the same doctors you’d see in the clinic. We don’t outsource, so you’ll see doctors who are familiar with your medical history. Kids can also have communicated with employees if they are accompanied by an adult.

Final words

We hope this article helped you understand telemedicine Singapore!